Thursday, April 30, 2009

Vocabulary: Hebrew - English


Shalom = peace, hi
Ken = yes
Lo = no =
Boker tov = good morning
Tsahoraim tovim = good afternoon
’Erev tov = good evening
Laila tov = good night
Shabbat shalom = Shabbat of peace (on Friday evening)
-> Answer: Shabbat shalom umevorakh
Shavua’ tov = good week (on Sat. Night)
Shana tova = happy new year
Khag sameakh = good feast
Barukh haba = welcome
-> Answer: Barukh hanimtsa
Beteavon = enjoy your meal!
Lekhaim = cheers!
Toda = thank you
Toda raba = thank you very much
-> Answer: ’al lo davar; bevakasha; ze haya ta’anug
Bevakasha = please
Slikha = excuse me but...(question)
Ani mevakesh = I’m sorry
Slikha ’al hahafra’a = I’m sorry
Ani mitsta’er = I regret
Mazal tov = congratulations
Kol hakavod = bravo! = bravo!
Bevakasha lehakir et... = I’d like to introduce you to...
Na lehakir et... = I’d like to introduce you to...
-> Answer: Na’im me’od = nice to meet you
Shmi... = my name’s...
Ma shimkha? = what’s your name (masculine)?
Ma shmekh? = what’s your name (feminine)?
Ma shlomkha? = how are you (masculine)?
Ma shlomekh? = how are you (feminine)?
Shlomi tov = I’m fine
Lehitra’ot = good bye, see you
Lehitra’ot makhar = see you tomorrow
Ze lo meshane = that’s nothing

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